Praying For Friendship

Maybe you have moved, maybe you are in a new job, a new school, a new church or town.  Maybe you are feeling the tinge of loneliness.  

Have you prayed for a friend lately? 

Friendship should know no race, boundary or nationality.  A divine friendship may not be what you would think or expect!  Isn’t that God’s way?!? 

 It is a great idea to pray for good friends and friendships, because- this is very important to God’s heart.   

We know this from many scriptures in the bible.   

For starters-  

Proverbs 27:9 – “A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” 

Have you found this to be true in your life?  If not, keep praying for a friend that refreshes your soul- one that brings life and sharpens you in all the ways you need. 

Provers 27:17- “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” 

It’s amazing how God works through the life and words of others to sharpen us- those who are willing to be sharpened by the truth shared in love or simply by their example.  

 Doesn’t it feel good to be sharpened by another, to be discipled, mentored, trained, encouraged, taught?  What a gift we often take for granted! 

Just as much good can come from being in relationship with others, Paul warned the church of choosing friends wisely because “bad company corrupts good character” 1 Cor 15:33.  Sometimes “friendships” or unhealthy relationships that have been persistently toxic need pruning. We must have Godly discernment in who we choose to walk in intimacy with.   

 May you also remember to be a good friend to those around you. Putting others as a priority through the intentional pre-deciding using “People Blocks” (a piece of The REALIFE Process ®) when setting up your calendar- maybe a beautiful friendship is waiting to unfold with a little invested time and prayer!  


  1. Hannah says:

    What an awesome post!! Friendship is so important. Thanks for sharing.

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