My name is Muneyi Charity. I am a widow and mom of two handsome teenage boys. Originally from Zimbabwe but now residing in St Louis, Missouri.

I have an insatiable passion for helping others know their identity and lead a Healthy Life. I spent years protecting myself from my fears of unworthiness by settling for unworthy relationships and situations because I did not know my identity. 

Muneyi's Story

Co-Founder of HealThy Living

I was depressed, stressed, and worn out. I had to heal layer upon layer of abuse and injustice. Looking back I feel no regret or remorse over the hurts because I am now aware that they were my stepping stones to where I am today.

Like a Phoenix Bird, I have risen from the ashes of despair to ecstasy. I am now at a place where I can experience peace in turmoil. Take pleasure in the experience of life even when thorns show up on my path. When your spirit, soul, and body are healed you do not have to identify with the situations you are going through nor do you have to become the pain and uncertainty in which you lived. 

My life was chaotic due to the misalignment of my spirit, soul, and body caused by trauma.

let’s work together!

If I could do it, so can you. Heal Thy Living!

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

After all the sifting I have endured spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, relationally. My struggles have become my tools to strengthen my brethren.

From surviving to soaring, despite all the challenges and pains. 

One of my favorite verses is Luke 22:31-32.

If I could do it, so can you.

despite all the challenges and pains.

From struggling to soaring

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Ready to move from Struggling and Striving into Soaring? Ready to bring your Spirit, Soul & Body into focus for more harmony and greater clarity as you plan out your days?

Choose the next step that is right for you.     


let's heal